Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Zombie Survival Guide

What would you if a zombie apocolypse just began?  There are many things that you need to know before going against a zombie invasion. "Zombies won't stop until they get food," said Ali. The three most important things are the following: supplies, base, and weapons.
Voytek mentioned, "zombies are quite the unexpected disaster." You should always have weapons on you because you never know when you are going to get attack by a zombie. "Always be prepared," said Brooks, " for a long siege." You should have a lot of guns, swords, knifes, flashlights, and ammo so you don't ran out when you are fighting zombies. Once you have your weapons place them in your base/house and use only some until those are finish then use the other weapons. If you run out of weapons go find a gun shop, but make sure there are no zombies when you go.
Next you need a base for you to sleep, and hide from zombies. Make sure you board up the doors and replace the windows with steel or concrete. If you can't do that just board them as good as you can. Try get a stilt or an apartment for your base because you are more safe in there than a regular house. you should also try making a huge brick wall around the house so you have time to escape or you can kill them without getting dirty. " A gate should be steel or wought iron," Sugested brooks. Get your base securred as protection as you can because zombies won't stop till you are dead.
The final idea is you need a lot of supplies because you do not know how long the apocolypse will last. Brooks states," use common household items." You need suplies such as: toilet paper, food, water, flashlights, bike, gasoline, generator, and many other things. You need a lot of supplies because first of all you need feed and water to survive. When you have all your supplies make sure you pack/storage away. Get food that lasts along time and doesn't rot in like a month.
Those are the survival guides  running through your mind if a zombie apocolypse occurs. People will need food and protection to stay alive and will do anything to get get it.  You will have a easier time to survive if you listen to these instructions. Don’t keep this to yourself, because a world with living humans is much better than one full of the undead.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Lit. Analysis Extra Credit LOTF

A plane carrying a group of British boys ages 6 to 12 has crashed on a deserted island. With no adults around, the boys are left to fend for and govern themselves. Things start out okay. The boys use a conch as a talking stick, and Ralph, one of the older boys, becomes chief.
And then trouble begins. They're afraid of a "beast" somewhere on the island, and then they decide to build a signal fire using the glasses of a boy named Piggy. But Jack, jealous of Ralph's power, decides the boys should devote their energies to hunting food instead of watching the fire. The longer they're on the island, the more savage he becomes. Meanwhile our other key player, a wise and philosophical boy named Simon, works with Ralph to build shelters.
Eventually these latent conflicts become not so latent, and the boys who are supposed to be tending the fire skip out on their duties to kill a pig. The blood and gore of the hunt is all very exciting until they realize that, while they were out being bloodthirsty boys, the fire went out and a ship passed by without noticing them. Jack has also managed to punch Piggy in the face and break one lens of his glasses.
Right about this time a dead man attached to a parachute comes in. The mysterious parachuting creature is mistaken for the beast, and the boys begin a massive hunt to kill it. Only Simon thinks the beast is themselves. He goes off into the woods to got to his happy place.
Jack decides Ralph shouldn't be chief anymore. He secedes and invites whoever wants to come with him and kill things. Most of the older kids go with him, and Simon is hiding, he watches Jack and the other kids hunt a pig. This time, they slaughter a fat mother pig cut off her head, and jam it onto a stick in the ground.
Simon stares at the head, which he calls "the Lord of the Flies" as it tells him that it is the beast and that it is part of him. Simon passes out, gets a bloody nose, and wakes up covered in sweat, blood, and other generally disgusting things. Despite all this, he decides to continue up the mountain to face the beast. Then he vomits and staggers down the mountain.
By now, Ralph and Piggy  are attending a big feast that Jack is throwing.A  reenactment of the pig hunt until Simon walks up to the crazz boys. He tries to tell them about the beast, but they don't recognize him and the boys jab at him with their spears until he's dead. Simon's body is washed out to sea that night, and the wind carries off the body of the dead parachuting man, while Ralph and Piggy convince themselves they didn't take part in murdering Simon.
It's all downhill from here. Jack's crew attacks Ralph and Piggy and steals Piggy's eyeglasses to make fire on their own. When Ralph and Piggy decide to calmly talk it out with the "savages," Roger pushes a huge boulder off a cliff, killing Piggy. Ralph ends up running for his life, finds out that there's a head-on-stick future planned for him, and at last makes it to the shore of the island where he runs into a officer of the British Navy. The boys are rescued.

Lit. Analysis #2

Darren Shan is a regular teenage kid. He and his friend Steve find out about a Freak Show coming to town and work hard at trying to find tickets. They do, and together they go to "Cirque du Freak" where they see many strange acts including a wolf-man and a bearded lady. Steve and Darren think that it is all a joke until a vampire, Larten Crepsley comes on with a very poisonous spider that he makes do tricks. When Steve sees this man he freaks out a bit but won't tell Darren why. After the show, Steve tells Darren to go home, and that he will follow later. Darren says yes, but instead sneaks upstairs to see what Steve is up to. He sees Steve talking to Mr. Crepsley and overhears their conversation. Steve tells Mr. Crepsley that he knows that his real name is Vur Horston and is a Vampire. He tells Larten that he would like to join him and become an apprentice. Mr Crepsley says he must test Steve before he agrees, and when he does he reveals that Steve has "bad blood" and he will not transform him. Steve becomes angry but Darren leaves the theater and doesn't see what happen next. Darren goes home and thinks about what Steve did, but also cannot stop thinking about Mr. Crepsley's Spider. The next day he steals the spider with the hopes that he will be able to make it perform tricks too. Meanwhile, Steve is acting as if nothing happened. Darren manages to train the spider by using a flute to hypnotize it. Darren brings the spider to school with him and Steve finds out and drops the cage in the middle of the halls. The spider gets out and bites Steve. Steve becomes very ill, and is rushed to the hospital where the doctors say that there is nothing they can do. Darren decides to see Mr. Crepsley about the possibility of a cure. The vampire agrees to give him the only cure if Darren agrees to become his assistant, and half vampire. He does. Steve gets better but starts to realize that Darren is now part vampire and becomes angry, jealous and betrayed. Larten stages Darren's death and Darren is buried. Mr. Crepsley comes to dig up Darren and leave. He does and gives Darren a moment to say goodbye to his hometown. Then Steve shows up and tells Darren about all he knows. He says that Darren and Mr. Crepsley were planning the betrayal all along and that Steve doesn't really have bad blood, which Darren knows is not true. He tries to explain about the spider, but Steve cuts a small cross into the flesh of his left palm and swears on his blood that he will kill Darren and his mentor Mr. Crepsley. Darren shakes off the warning and leaves with Mr. Crepsley.

Task Three: Prepare Your Home

In Max Brooks's non-fiction Zombie Survival Guide he suggests that you should prepare your home before the zombie apocalypse. The author supports his claim by saying you should board up your house if you don't have apartment or a stilt house. Build a high brick wall around your house so the zombies can't come. replace your windows with concrete or steel because the zombies could get through. if you don't have enough money board the windows and doors with peices of wood. The author next proceeds to show that you need to get a lot of supplies if you want to survive. You need guns, ammo, knife, sword, food, water, and stuff that doesn't use electricity. Finally, the author also suggest how to survive a zombie attack. Patrol the house just in case zombies are coming and you could get ready to kill them or get away.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Task Two: Know Your Zombies

In Bradley Voytek's article "The Science of surviving the Zombie Apocalypse," he states that zombies have five defects that we could use to get away from them. The author supports his claim by one defect is they move really slow and is uncoordinated. You get this disease/defect by damaging the back of the brain. After that the author also supports his claim by another disease or defect by Amensia. Zombies have Amensia because the side of the brain is damaged. This means they can't hear and you should be quiet if zombies come aorund you. The author next proceeds to show that zombies have immunity to pain. You get this disease/defect by damaging the top of the head and it means the don't feel pain. Do not fight them because they'll win and you will die. He next mentions zombies are easily distracted because the topish sideish part of the brain is damaged. So you could easily throw a rock or something else somewhere far from you and the zombies will think that's you or someone else. Finally, the author supports his last didease/defect that zombies have is you could mimick them and they'll believe you. If you are in trouble just blend in with them and try get away like that.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Task One: Survival Basics

In Ali S. Khan non-fiction article "Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse," he suggests that you should prepare for a zombie apocalypse and/or a real disaster. The author supports his reason by explaining what should be in your emergency kit, such as water, food, medications, tools and supplies, clothing, bedding, sanitation, hygiene, and a first aid supplies. He told us, to get through the first couple of days before you can locate zombie-free refugee camp. Next you need to identify the emergency crises and pick a meeting place for you and your family. Finally, the author mentions that the CDC is prepared to help others and to send their medical teams to the affected areas and provide technical assistance.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Vocabulary Sentences & Definitions

1.Bemoan-Complain about
2.Pensive-Thinking deeply; lost in thought
3.Devoid-Entirely without
4.Melancholy-Sad/ Emo
5.Mollify-to calm someone
6.Memento-a keepsake or souvenir
8.Ascend-To climb or go up

1. I BEMOANED when my teacher gave us an essay for homework.

2. I was PENSIVE when my coach was talking about food.

3. His fridge was DEVOID of any food or drinks.

4. Dalton was MELANCHOLY when I bullied him every day of the year.

5. I MOLLIFIED Dalton into fighting his sister.

6. I got a MEMENTO from Hawaii, it was a conch.

7. Alcohol is ILLICIT if you are under 21.

8. I think my grade is ASCENDING finally.